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Apocalypse Survival

The only reason it says preview everywhere is since I didn't build the lighting because the computers I used didn't have the permissions.

The second game which I made in the Unreal Engine (UE4) was Apocalypse Bunker.


Apocalypse Bunker is a first person game in which the player must try to survive as long as possible, and to come up with a plan for long term sustainable survival. The player dies when any of their stats are deplenished. To survive, the player must use items to replenish their statistics.


Many of the player's statistics (mood, hunger, thirst, and warmth) will continually decrease, so the player must perform actions in order to survive. There are some resources around the house to get the player started, however these will be used up rapidly if relied upon.


To gather more resources, the player must interact with a door to scavenge for items. Scavenging is dangerous and very hard work so the player will lose some of their health and stamina to scavenge. Players must determine whether they want to risk losing all of their health and stamina to scavenge again.


Scavenging has a chance to give the player a specific of specific items for the number of empty slots they have when they leave to scavenge. The number of items and the items themselves are chosen procedurally. Since the player can only hold five stacks of items at any time, the player must prioritize which items they want to keep, and which they will discard. 


Many of the items that are found while scavenging are not very useful on their own, and will need to be used as crafting ingredients. A variety of items can be crafted, including necessities such as food and health packs, but also more expensive items such as armor, which will reduce the risks of scavenging while it is in the inventory.


Different strategies may have to be implemented to survive each time it is played, as it cannot be guaranteed that an item will be found while scavenging.


Apocalypse Bunker features a saving and loading system, so players may resume with the same stats and items as they had previously.

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