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Understanding Unreal

As I followed the instructions in the tutorial mentioned in the previous post, I began to understand Unreal and blueprints a lot better. I experimented with the ideas presented and tried some variations of my own to ensure that I had a firm grasp of the concept.

Such as this exploding rock!

There were some things that I did have trouble with even if I was beginning to understand the concepts. For example, I was having trouble working out how to change the colour of the text in the editor to vary between different classes. This was something that I worked out through experimentation.

I couldn’t work out how to make particle effects appear on a nearby object through a button press, which I will try to work out as soon as possible.

I was hoping to make a light that changed its colour gradually over time so that it would cycle through all of the colours of the rainbow, however I don’t think I have a firm enough grasp on the way that Unreal can be used to achieve a greater potential. For example, I’m not yet entirely sure how to make maths work through blueprints.

I look forward to learning more about this engine.

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