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Blueprints Survival Game Finished

The only reason it says preview everywhere is since I didn't build the lighting because the computers I used didn't have the permissions.

How to Play


  • WASD: Move the player around.

  • Spacebar: Causes the player to jump.

  • E: Interacts with a nearby item if the player is looking at one. If it can be picked up, it will be picked up. It also interacts with doors to scavenge for items.

  • Numbers 1-5: Selects the item in the corresponding position of the hotbar. Alternatively, it will bring up a menu to allow crafting of objects.

  • Left click: Activates buttons hovered over when in menus.

  • TAB: Pauses the game.

  • T: Changes the shade of the walls.

The game can be saved and loaded from within the pause menu.


You begin alone inside of a well-fortified building. You are safe inside, however the resources are limited and will run out quickly if you don’t head outside and scavenge for more. You must scavenge for resources, craft items, and grow trees in order to survive and to make the building a more sustainable place. The aim is to manage your inventory well and to survive, but to survive in the long term, you will need to plan ahead.

Post Mortem

Although I completed making this game to a standard that I am satisfied with, in hindsight I started the majority of work on this project too late considering the amount of work required from me. If I was to do this project again, I would try to complete my other tasks sooner so that I could spend more time on this project. Even if I did finish it about 3 days before it was due, I still would have liked to leave it less close.

I did more work than was actually required for this project and met some of my desirables in the process. I implemented a crafting system and had the foundations for it set up fairly early. Although I ran into some problems with it, I ultimately figured it out so that it worked exactly as I had intended. Something that I would change for how I go about completing projects like this in the future is that I would ensure that all of the critical elements of the game were completed before implementing desirables. Although it went well, it was a bad decision to structure most of the game around a desirable.

I learned a lot of the unreal engine while making this game, especially since I did most of the work by myself instead of simply following a tutorial. I experimented with different aspects of the engine and found out how things worked, and also how they didn’t work. While I was developing it, I made many mistakes and learned from and overcame all of them. I am very satisfied with the game, and the implementation of scavenging procedurally giving the player items ensures that players will have to play differently and use different strategies to survive. There is little that I would change about the way the project turned out.

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