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Explanation of Copyright

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Copyright is something that almost all of us have probably heard about at some point. Perhaps you might know something about it, however never really had a complete understanding of how copyright works, what it allows you to do, and how it protects you. Copyright is a fairly complicated thing, and hopefully this will give you a clear understanding.

Copyright is an attribute connected to the creations made by an individual or a group. Its intention is to ensure that the creation is recognized and that its uses are controlled by the creator. It ensures that the creation cannot simply be copied, since the creator put work into the creation of it and deserves to have a say in how it is used. The creation doesn’t need to have a physical form, such as artwork or photographs. Copyright extends to creations such as songs, lyrics of songs, stories, or programs.

Copyright protects your creations

You might be wondering how you can protect your creations through Copyright. In Australia, you do not need to apply for Copyright. Copyright is automatically applied to any creation that you produce. If you were working as a part of a team, depending on the arrangements, the producer will often own the Copyright. Copyright protection will generally last for as long as you live and another 70 years beyond that.

Ideas are not protected

If you did not have a firm understanding of Copyright before now, you might find all of this alarming, but there is something important to remember. Copyright does not restrict all uses of a creation and there are some things that Copyright will not protect. Copyright will not protect an idea, a concept, a style, a technique, or information. It only protects the expression of it, which is where a creator directs their efforts. Even if something is protected by Copyright, others are still allowed to use the creation as long as it is for specific purposes. These purposes include researching, studying, reviewing, reporting the news, legally advising, and for parody and satire.

Copyright is a fairly complicated things, but hopefully this has given you some more insight into how it works and what you are legally allowed to do.

For more information on Copyright in other countries, look here.


Copyright Free Images Retrieved from Pixabay

International Copyright Basics. (2016). Retrieved from

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