Social Media Presence
Today, a social media presence is critical for allowing your potential employers to find you and contact you. Social media, when used...
Job Interviews
No matter what career you are pursuing, odds are that you will need to go to a job interview before you get the job. It is often your...
Inclusive Design
When you are working as a part of the creative media industry, inclusive design is something that should always be considered for all...
Explanation of Copyright
Copyright is something that almost all of us have probably heard about at some point. Perhaps you might know something about it, however...
Income for Game Programmers
Game programmers have a variety of ways that they can generate income through their profession. Programmers are a critical role for the...
Personal Inspiration
I have wanted to be a programmer for quite some time, preferably a programmer of games since video games have always meant a lot to me. I...