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Job Interviews

No matter what career you are pursuing, odds are that you will need to go to a job interview before you get the job. It is often your performance during the job interview that determines whether you actually get the job or not. Because of this, it is important to be prepared as best as possible for the interview, as well as to understand what is expected of you during your interview. All job interviews should be treated the same, whether they are in person, or over the phone.


When you are interviewed for a position, you don't need to describe what you do. They already know what somebody in that job position is required to do, however you can use examples to help yourself to stand out during the interview. If you can show that you have done what they need well in the past, it makes you a more appealing candidate for that job placement. For example, if you are going to be programming custom physics and mechanics into a game, it would be a good idea to be prepared games that you have successfully done physics and mechanics at some point during the interview, if you are asked.

Although job interviews may seem as though they are designed to test you for the required set of skills, this is not what they are all about. While a portion of the interview might target this, it has probably already been covered by your resume or job application. Interviews are generally used to find out more about you as a person. They help the interviewer determine your personality and attitude towards things, which helps them to find whether you would fit into the workplace or not. It is important to go into a job interview with a positive attitude. Some questions will often be asked to see how enthusiastic you are in your chosen field. If you are enthusiastic, you will probably keep talking about something beyond the scope of the question. This is generally a good thing.

Interviews are done to determine your personality

You need to be yourself during an interview so that your potential employer knows what you are like. They will often try to make it feel as informal as possible so that you act as you do naturally, often starting with a casual conversation. The questions that they ask will often get you to reveal more about yourself. For example, they might ask a seemingly question that they don't care about the answer to. They ask this to see how you approach the question to determine your personality. If you are prepared for the job, any questions directly related to the field (such as a programming question) should be fairly easy for you to answer.

Interviews will normally conclude with the interviewer asking if you have any questions. It might seem as though you don't need to have a question, or need to give a question for no reason, however asking a question mostly benefits you. If you are in demand, you will be weighing up where you want to work and will ask questions of whoever interviews you so that you can choose where you would rather work.

Job interviews aren't particularly hard if you are prepared and relaxed enough to be yourself.


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